The Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management manages and conducts teaching, research and outreach on more than 6,000 acres across Texas. These properties serve as diverse outdoor classrooms and laboratories that allow students to hone critical skills in natural resource management.

Aquacultural Research and Teaching Facility
The Aquacultural Research and Teaching Facility is dedicated to research and teaching that promotes development of a sound biological basis for warm water aquaculture and aquatic ecology. Located 10 miles from the Texas A&M campus, the facility is equipped with more than 200 extensive flow-through and recirculating tank systems, indoor laboratories, hatcheries and a 36-pond complex.
300 Aquatic Facility Road, College Station 77845
Bryan Ray, Research Associate | [email protected]

Chocolate Bayou Demonstration Farm
This 2,500-acre property located in Brazoria County, Texas, houses a diverse mix of ecosystems and wildlife habitat including constructed wetlands, perennial and intermittent streams, as well as rangelands.
Brazoria County
Todd Nightingale, Project Manager | [email protected]

Ecological and Natural Resources Teaching Area
At roughly 1,000 acres, the Ecological and Natural Resources Teaching area is characterized by Post Oak Savannah, with a mix of upland forest, open grasslands and riparian streams. Located in College Station, the property provides teaching, research and outreach opportunities for the Texas A&M community and the citizens of the greater Bryan/College Station area.
Fishtank Rd, College Station, TX 77845
Rider Combs, Property Manager | [email protected]

La Copita Demonstration Ranch and Research Area
Established in 1981, the 2,726-acre La Copita Demonstration Ranch and Research Area in Jim Wells County serves as a ranch-scale laboratory for rangeland and wildlife research and demonstration with an emphasis on producer-identified issues and trends.
Jim Wells County
Bethany Boggan, Ranch Operations Manager | [email protected]