Multiple departments utilize the ENRTA as a living laboratory to investigate a range of natural resource-related subject matter. Included below are a select few ranging from undergraduate to doctoral research.
A research request form is required to conduct research on the property.
Undergraduate Research
- Insect Ecology course project: Use of Beetles for Carrion Decomposition
- Resilience and Adaptability of Post Oak (Quercus stellata) in Texas Savannas: Investigating Plant – Soil Feedbacks, Herbivory, and Microclimate
- Below ground foraging behavior and utilization of carrion resources by Solenopsis invicta
- Ecohydrology of yaupon Holly
- Evaluating the effects of incubation temperature and patterns on Wood duck hatchling health
For information on research, teaching and outreach at the Ecology and Natural Resources Teaching Area, please contact:
Rider Combs
Property Manager
Email: [email protected]