Department Directory: Faculty
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James Cathey
Professor and Associated Director, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
(979) 458-2565
Megan Clayton
Professor & Extension Range Specialist
Jacob Dykes
Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist
Nuria Gomez-Casanovas
Assistant Professor in Regenerative System Ecology
Jeff Goodwin
Thomas M. O'Connor Endowed Directorship in Rangeland and Wildlife Management, Director, Center for Grazinglands and Ranch Management, Research Assistant Professor
Stacy Hines
Assistant Professor and Extension Range Specialist
Focus: Habitat restoration and management
Tammi Johnson
Associate Professor
Andrew Kasner
Texas A&M AgriLife Research Assistant Professor
Focus: Avian/wildlife ecology and conservation
(325) 657-7341
Gerard Kyle
Professor and Associate Department Head for Academic Programs
Ashley Long
Associate Professor and Caesar Kleberg Endowed Chair in Wildlife Ecology
Focus: avian ecology and management; wildlife-habitat relationships
Humberto Perotto
Associate Professor, Joan Negley Kelleher Endowed Professorship
Focus: Landscape ecology, remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems
William E. Pinchak
Barron Rector
Associate Professor and Extension Range Specialist
Parr Rosson
Professor and Extension Specialist/Associate Department Head for Extension
Melissa Shehane
Instructional Assistant Professor and Internship Coordinator
Beth Silvy
Instructional Assistant Professor
Focus: Marine/coastal aquaculture, freshwater/marine fisheries, pond management
Todd Sink
Associate Professor and Aquaculture Extension Specialist
Focus: Aquaculture, private fisheries management, fish physiology
Aquaculture Research and Teaching Facility
Tim Steffens
Associate Professor and AgriLife Extension Specialist Range Management
Doug Tolleson
Associate Professor
John Walker
Emeritus Professor
Stephen Webb
Research Assistant Professor
Focus: Big game ecology & management, animal movement, quantitative ecology